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Price Difference In Online Shopping And Local Market

With everything becoming so efficient and convenient we feel blessed to be alive in such an era where so many facilities are given to us. No more damsel in distress, no more wasting time it’s all literally just a click away, be it sending a message via email, or heating food in microwave, or literally anything! Once upon a time our ancestors had to work so hard to do even the tiniest chores whereas in today’s time it’s more about working smart not hard.

Electronic media has been a blessing in disguise, don’t believe me? Just notice your daily routine. News? On Social media. Entertainment? On Social media. Connecting with people? Social media. Shopping? Social media. Sounds funny no? Even shopping is now done online. The entire hoo ha of Black Friday sale on, celebrities like Junaid Akram and Faiza Salem advertising this online sale. Whereas brands like Khaadi, Sana Safinaz, Agha Noor are making the public go crazy over these sales, sadly few from the lot buy these sale items and sell them online for full prices. It has become a war between online shopping and the local markets.

People find online shopping better comparing the market because they believe on screen they’ve more variety, more websites, groups, pages where they have countless options to cater their needs. Although every good comes with bad, on online shopping it may be convenient at the same time one cannot be sure about the quality or the products being original and with shopping at the markets it gets pretty hectic for the people keeping in mind the time it consumes.

Market has its perk for instance one can always bargain! And if you can’t bargain well then better just shop online, no? Online shopping is smart, my sister saw a tussle earring for Rs.450 on a Fb group, for her it was a steal, something trending, just what she was looking for and without a second thought she ordered it just to find out she has to pay Rs.200 for the delivery, total damage in total Rs.650. Where people are happy oh we are saving the fuel cost, they don’t realize for one little thing they’re paying extra. Books at Sunday bazaar, Urdu bazaar you get them for peanuts and online you see pages selling the pirated copies for rs.250. Rip off! I can purchase 5 books in that price! Although online shopping isn’t all that bad, so many times I’ve gotten free gifts for ordering online like previously a page gave me chocolates, I mean free chocolates who wouldn’t love that! Also online sales are the best! Unless you’re favorite item goes out of stock but hey at least no pushing and pulling.

Recently there has been a scandal going on regarding Nadia Hussain and an online Sephora page on Facebook, where at first she objected that the owner is charging extra but that wasn’t an issue, the fire flamed when her order got delayed. These issues tend to happen, where the pages charge extra saying shipment charges etc. I even saw a page selling some ‘Kylie Jenner’ product for merely rs.500, followed by a comment asking if its original and the page replied, yes. So, yeah you really can’t tell who’s defaming you online. Stores like ‘The Vault’ and ‘Scentsation’ might seem pricey but one knows they’re selling authentic products.

I got a door hanging piece from Dolmen Mall Clifton, although these stalls there are said to be ‘over-priced’, few days later I saw the same piece on a page with the price quoted rs.999 excluding delivery charges, I bought the exact same thing few days back for rs.600.

However online shopping is really good for customized gift, yes, sure making it yourself has its own charm but these people online do it for you and do it really amazing too! I booked a surprise box for my cousin for her birthday, costed me Rs.3500 but it got delivered at exact 12am and everyone there loved it! She even Snap chatted it saying ‘best gift ever’ so yaaaay online shopping!

Coming to the prices honestly be it markets or online shopping only the brands have consistent prices otherwise the sellers put up prices as they please be it ‘baji app ko sirf hum itna discount dey raha hain’ or an exhibition where I went yesterday and heard ‘originally these are for 2k but since we are closing our stall now all these are for 1500’ or online where you get deals such as ‘on purchase of Rs.2000 delivery free’. This is a business and either way they know how to trick the consumer in believing they’re the right choice be it quality wise or price wise.

Till then happy shopping.

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